w o r d s . o f . d e s i g n
P r o f i l e

мє . муѕєLf . ι

.=[ღ Lι-Jιин α.к.α JιинJιин ღ]=.
.=[ღ 21ѕт σ¢тσвєя вαву ღ]=.
.=[ღ Lιвяα ღ]=.
.=[ღ 21 уєαяѕ σL∂ gσιиg 22 ღ]=.
.=[ღ σя∂ιиαяу gιяL ღ]=.
.=[ღ ѕєитιмєитαL gιяL ღ]=.
.=[ღ ємσтισиαL gιяL ღ]=.
.=[ღ вισиι¢ gιяL ღ]=.

li-jinh. a name you love or not its still my name. i do love my name and i think it's special. i am just and ordinary girl. loves fooling around. i am emotional and everyone knows. i cry easily and that's why i have a nickname of crybaby. some people think i am caring. maybe i am??i guess so. i love every of my friends and sometimes i wonder if they love me too. i love taking pictures but my besties don't. i love music as well. other personalities of mine you'll know it if you get to know me better. thats all. and enjoy my blog!!

L o v e s

ღ[.: Jєѕυѕ :.]ღ
ღ[.: fяєє∂σм :.]ღ
ღ[.: fαмιLу :.]ღ
ღ[.: вєѕтιєѕ :.]ღ
ღ[.: fяιєи∂ѕ :.]ღ
ღ[.: иι¢нσLαѕ тєσ :.]ღ
ღ[.: ρяєѕєитѕ :.]ღ
ღ[.: тяανєLLιиg :.]ღ
ღ[.: ραятιєѕ :.]ღ
ღ[.: ¢єLєвяαтισиѕ :.]ღ
ღ[.: ѕнσρριиg :.]ღ
ღ[.: ¢αмωнσяє :.]ღ
ღ[.: ¢нαттιиg :.]ღ
ღ[.: мαкє иєω fяιєи∂ѕ :.]ღ
ღ[.: нαиg συт :.]ღ
ღ[.: fσσ∂ѕ & ∂яιикѕ :.]ღ
ღ[.: σтнєяѕ :.]ღ

H a t e s

ღ[.: ρLαувσуѕ & ρLαуgιяLѕ :.]ღ
ღ[.: єxαмιиαтισиѕ :.]ღ
ღ[.: вα∂ яєѕυLтѕ ιи єxαмѕ :.]ღ
ღ[.: Lιαяѕ :.]ღ
ღ[.: вα¢кѕтαввєяѕ :.]ღ
ღ[.: fяєαкѕ :.]ღ
ღ[.: ι∂ισтѕ :.]ღ
ღ[.: σтнєяѕ :.]ღ

R e w i n d

C r e d i t s
♥ the designer
♥ myself

W e l c o m e
Hey peeps. You are welcome to look around if you like, but please don't take anything which don't belongs to you here. Strictly no spammers and rippers here! Enjoy your stay while looking around! =) *winks*
.'*~'ღღღ This Bloggie Belongs to a Girl with the name LI-JINH ღღღ'~*'.

    Date: Sunday, November 13, 2011
    Time: 5:25 PM
(= Best Choosen 3 Designs =)

    Design 1 - Braille (Everyone Communicates)

    • Sketch Form

    • Digital Form

    Title : Braille

    Tagline : Everyone Communicates

    Full Article :-
    • The Braille system is a method that is widely used by blind people to read and write, and was the first digital form of writing. Braille system was great enough to set a a bridge of communication for the blinds. Everyone needs to communicate and no matter who we are, how we are and where we are there is a bridge for us to cross through another side to get to know another person. Everyone communicates even the blinds. We can give them motivation, inspiration and communicate better with them just by a little action and knowing the simple Braille system. They can’t see but they can feel us there with them!

    Typography :-
    • Birch Std (used for the title & full article text)

    • Own Text Creation - The "Flowery" font (used for the word "Everyone" which is the tagline)

    Summary of Execution :
    • Software - Adobe Illustrator

    • Tool - [Adobe Illustrator] Pen Tool, Shape Tool, Brush Tool, Text Tool

    Design 2 - Non-Verbal Communication (Communication Matters)

    • Sketch Form

    • Digital Form

    Title : Non-Verbal Communication

    Tagline : Communication Matters

    Full Article :-
    • What can you make out from the above? It is a tree without leaves or fruits on it which it is withering. The tree did not speak but it shows. Observe things around you. It is telling you something or sharing some thoughts with you. Communication can be expressions from appearance, or movements but not necessary just words. Observe more, care more and love more. Communication really matters. Any type of communication means something.

    Typography :-
    • VTKS Noba (used for the tagline)

    • Birch Std (used for the full article & the word "I need" & the bubble column)

    • Mistral (used for the words "Love", "Sunlight", "Water", and "Carbon Dioxide")

    Summary of Execution :
    • Software - Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, & PDF file

    • Tool - [Adobe Illustrator] Pen Tool, Shape Tool, Brush Tool, Text Tool

    • Tool - [Adobe Photoshop] Filter Tool (Tree - Artistic - Colored Pencil) (Green Background & Blue Background - Texture - Texturizer - Canvas)

    Design 3 - Globe (Communication Strings Us Together)

    • Sketch Form

    • Digital Form

    Title : Globe

    Tagline : Communication Strings Us Together

    Full Article :-
    • Ever wondered why the globe is circle, but not triangle or square? It actually brings the meaning that people can be stringed together easily without any breaks in between and because it has no end. Circle can make us go round and round without having an end to it. Just like everyone around the world, we are from different parts of the globe but we can be connected because of communication. Communication strings us together without any barriers.

    • Mistral (used for the title & tagline)

    • Birch Std (used for the full article)

    Summary of Execution :
    • Software - Adobe Illustrator

    • Tool - [Adobe Illustrator] Pen Tool, Shape Tool, Brush Tool, Text Tool

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♥ Meeting_is_by_fate ... Loving_is_by_choice ... ♥

    Date: Sunday, October 16, 2011
    Time: 9:38 PM
My 18 Designs =)

    Communication Series

    Communicate because it matters
    • Made out of post it.
    • Easiest way for people nowadays to deliver a message & serves as a reminder.
    • Can be used to send care to love ones & express emotions

    Early Start of Communication
    • Early ways of communication (the bird to deliver message & mail where people tend to use less nowadays

    Communication maintains Relationship (Business Communication)
    • Two computers are linked together to create a form of communication way
    • The poster is used to deliver the message of business communication & to tell people that communication that important everywhere even in the business world

    Wishes to God
    • This poster is to portray the image of human communicating with the God by sending their wishes using the tanglung (in Chinese "Hung Ming Tang")
    • It is to show that communication does not just happen between people in the world but also with the God and etc.

    We Share Similar Things.. The Sky, The Land & "Communication"
    • The speaker is drawn big in the poster to attract attention
    • The idea was to show that the speaker is sending message to everyone in the world
    • The poster is to tell everyone to communicate and everyone are similar in certain ways as we all communicate

    Communication - It matters because it strings us together
    • The tagline was done like a string (Communication, it matters because it strings us together) to show that everything is stringed together
    • The image of two person was holding the voice transmitter to portray the image that if the string of Communication breaks the would not hear each other and therefore, communication is important as it can string both person together.

    Communication can help in Teamwork
    • Sports person and running track were used in the image and showing that they were running and passing on baton
    • The message that the poster wants to send out is to tell that communication can help in teamwork
    • If there were no communication between the runners, they would not be able to win and finish the race as it will slow them down

    Communication Happens Everywhere
    • The tagline of the poster is "Communication Happens Everywhere"
    • The story behind this poster is where people do not realise the existence of communication at times even if it is right in front of them
    • The red colour cloths stuffed in the fences were actually Braille writing that says "Love U"
    • Not everyone sees it but on some realises it

    Communication can string us
    • Strings were used in the poster to string the baloons and bottles together and the crab is dragging the text column to suit the tagline "Communication can string us"
    • The balloons and bottles, and the crab and the text column are not so related to each other but they can stay together with the strength of communication

    Communication Strings Everything Together
    • This is similar to the previous poster but there are slight changes in the tagline and other elements

    Communication Matters
    • The tagline of the poster is "Communication Matters"
    • The story behind the poster is that the blind man (in image the blindfolded man) was not able to find the chair to sit and no one was there to lead him. There were papers sticking on the chair to say "Do not sit, Wet paint & etc." but no one was there to lead him and communicate with him.
    • Therefore, the image tries to send the message to everyone that Communicate matters because it leads you to the right way

    Everyone Communicates
    • The tagline was "Everyone Communicates" to tell that everyone needs to communicate even the less fortunate
    • The people are all blindfolded but they are happy because they have their own way to communicate with each other
    • Fun and cheerful elements (like the flowers and birds) were used to deliver a further message that communication brings fun elements to our lives

    Braille - Everyone Communicates
    • A modified version of the previous sketch/poster
    • The tagline was "Everyone Communicates" to tell that everyone needs to communicate even the less fortunate. Braille writing was in the boards to show alphabet C, O, M, M, U, N, I, C, A, T, E & S
    • The Braille writing makes people stop to figure out about the message being delivered through the poster. Looking further at the bottom of the poster, people who stops and watch would be able to read the Braille writing as there is indication.
    • The people are all blindfolded but they are happy because they have their own way to communicate with each other
    • Fun and cheerful elements (like the flowers and birds) were used to deliver a further message that communication brings fun elements to our lives

    Communicate! It's Fun & Interesting
    • The word "COMMUNICATION" are made out of flowers to attract attention as it is colourful
    • Also, small elements like flowers at the bottom is to show fun and interesting features
    • This suits the tagline of the poster

    Communication! Something Fun & Interesting
    • This poster is a modified version of the previous sketch
    • Changes were made in terms of adding more fun elements and also adding on more colours

    Communication Matters! - Non Verbal Communication
    • The poster is to deliver the message of non verbal communication.
    • The tree is without any leaves or fruits on it where it shows the image of a withering tree.
    • Wordings like"I need WATER, I need SUNLIGHT, I need CARBON DIOXIDE & I need LOVE" were use and placed around the tree to show that the tree is speaking but in real like a tree can never speak and therefore at the top corner of the poster, a column says "I can't talk but I express my thoughts through non verbal communication"
    • The main idea of the image is to tell people that we need to observe certain things as emotions can be a part of non verbal communication.

    Communication Strings Us Together
    • A globe was place in the middle and tagline used were "Communication strings us together"
    • The globe was surrounded by people holding hands to form an effect of string and bring out the message that people can be around the world but they are stringed together and are able to form a circle with no breaks in between.

    Communication maintains Relationship (The Love Birds)
    • The story behind the poster is where a couple is located in different countries and with the advance of technology, they are able to communicate through things like fax machine, laptop, emails, mails, and handphones. The images of these devices were drawn around the globe.
    • The dotted lines on the globe is to show both person are in two different places.

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♥ Meeting_is_by_fate ... Loving_is_by_choice ... ♥